Universal studios movie theatre
Universal studios movie theatre

universal studios movie theatre

But the claws didn’t come out until NBCUniversal’s CEO Jeff Shell suggested on Tuesday that Universal might start to simultaneously release some movies in theaters and on-demand, even after the pandemic subsides.

universal studios movie theatre

Exhibitors’ eyebrows were raised, particularly as Universal made its announcement before the shutdown went into effect, but they ultimately accepted it given circumstances and a general understanding that studios would otherwise wait until multiplexes reopen to showcase their most anticipated films. The seeming declaration of war was triggered after Universal took a victory lap in the press, touting better-than-expected success for “ Trolls World Tour.” The studio decided last month to move its animated sequel to “Trolls” directly on premium video-on-demand - and in a handful of drive-ins across the country - when it became clear cinemas would have to close amid the coronavirus outbreak. Tensions between AMC Theatres and Universal Pictures reached a boiling point Tuesday night, ending in an explosive proclamation that the world’s largest theater chain would no longer play movies from one of the biggest studios in Hollywood. Exhibitors and studios might be well served to remember a saying from Mahatma Gandhi - “An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.” Instead of heeding the words of the Indian nationalist, the two camps are locked in a deadly struggle, one fueled by ego, distrust, and recrimination, that will likely leave both sides gravely wounded unless, or until, cooler heads prevail.

Universal studios movie theatre